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What tobacco can do for you! 

Stained Yellow Teeth

Bad Breath

Smelly Clothes and Hair

Burning Your Money

Dulls Sense of Taste and Smell

Atherosclerosis occurs when plaque builds up in arteries.
Buildup can cause a heart attract or stroke.
Smoking increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis


Chronic Bronchitis

Bronchitis causes inflammation of the lungs’ main air passages.
It can lead to heavy phlegm production, reduced air flow, and chronic cough
Smoking is the leading cause.

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer occurs on or in the mouth, lips, and tongue.
Oropharyngeal cancer occurs in the tonsils, base of the tongue, and throat.
Surgery to treat these cancers often causes disfigurement.


Emphysema causes lungs to lose their ability to transfer oxygen to the blood.
Chronic shortness of breath and permanent damage can result.
Quitting smoking prevents further damage.

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths.
It often has no symptoms until its advanced stages.
By the time it is detected, it has often spread to other organs.

Bladder Cancer

Smoking is the greatest risk factor.
Smoker’s urine contains cancer-causing substances from cigarette smoke.
These substances can damage the bladder.

Heart Disease

Smokers are more likely to die from heart disease.
Smoking weakens the heart and increases blood pressure.
Smoking also causes constricted and clogged arteries.

Mouth Cancer

Mouth cancer occurs on or in the mouth, lips, and tongue.
Oropharyngeal cancer occurs in the tonsils, base of the tongue, and throat.

Gum Disease

Smokers have a higher risk of developing gum disease.
Smoking prevents the gums from healing.
Gum disease can lead to tooth decay and tooth loss.

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer has a very low survival rate.
Smoking is an important risk factor.

Heart Attack

Smoking weakens the heart and increases blood pressure.
Smoking also causes constricted and clogged arteries which can lead to a heart attack. 

Fetal Damage

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of stillbirth, premature birth, and miscarriage.
Babies born to women who smoke have a higher risk of birth defects, low birthweight, and SIDS.

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Smoking constricts blood vessels which can lead to PVD, a condition where circulation is cut off to the feet and hands.

Premature Skin Wrinkles

Smoking constricts blood vessels including the ones to the surface of your skin.  This can lead to premature skin wrinkles and cracks.

Kidney Cancer

Chemicals from tobacco smoke can easily build up in the kidneys.
These chemicals may cause cancer.
In some cases, the cancerous kidney must be removed.


Smoking constricts blood vessels leading to a higher risk of stroke.